Tell us a bit about yourself – who you are, what you do at IAS!
As an ex-agency guy my job is to help agencies understand and navigate what we do here at IAS; how we maximize quality in digital media and how that leads to advantageous outcomes for advertisers.
What is your favourite thing about working at IAS?
Smart people working to make digital a little bit better every day…what’s not to love!?
What’s the greatest technological change you think we will see in digital advertising over the next couple of years?
As wealth inequality deepens I expect we’ll see an even greater divergence between cohorts who can afford to consume content without ads and/or data sharing vs. those who can’t and this’ll ultimately bubble up to be a serious ethical consideration for brands to navigate.
How do you feel the digital advertising industry can improve its diversity efforts?
Diversity of thought, class and geography should probably get more airtime.
What is the greatest thing a business can do to support employees’ mental health?
Enable and champion flexibility; hybrid-working is good but fluid working is great.
What three words best describe you?
Gigantic. Witty. Thoughtful.
What would you like to “perfect” in 2023?
My linear leg press! I’m [this close] to getting 1-rep max to half a tonne!
What is your advice to the next generation of media execs?
Know the foundations! It’s too easy – and understandably tempting – to neglect the fundamentals in pursuit of the shiny new thing.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Not advice per se, but I love this timeless quote from Thomas Sowell – “there are no solutions, only trade-offs”.
Where can people find you when you’re not at work?
In the gym. On the train back to Norfolk. Around the BBQ. At the poker table.