Avoiding MFA and Ad Clutter sites drives upper funnel KPIs
IAS ran a brand lift study in partnership with Upwave, a leading analytics platform for brand advertising, to explore the relationship between brand KPIs and IAS’s Made-For-Advertising (MFA) measurement product. The goal of this analysis was to analyze how ad placements on these low-quality sites compared to high-quality sites could influence KPIs.
The study utilized IAS’s MFA Measurement data, drawing insights from 129 respondents who saw the ad on quality sites and 696 respondents who saw the ad on MFA and Ad Clutter sites.
- +29% lift in unaided awareness compared to MFA or Ad Clutter sites
- +46% lift in ad recall compared to MFA or Ad Clutter sites
The results highlighted a dramatic shift in brand KPIs, reinforcing the importance of quality ad placements for brand success.
Download the full case study and contact an IAS representative to learn more.